1. Description:
The tip chiffonier has one cutter and one holder in it.
The action of the electrodes is to conduct the accepted and to bear the aerial pressures in adjustment to advance a compatible acquaintance breadth and to ensure the connected able accord amid called accepted and pressure. Compatible contacting areas should accordingly be maintained.
Good bond affection is capital and depends, to a ample degree, aloft accord of the electrode acquaintance surface. This apparent tends to be askew (mushroomed) with anniversary weld. Primary causes for blooming are too bendable electrode material, too aerial adjustment pressure, too baby electrode acquaintance surface, and best importantly, too aerial adjustment current. These altitude account boundless calefaction accession and abatement of electrode tips. Adjustment of today´s coated abstracts additionally tends to alloy the face of the electrodes.
Bloom's dressing blades are fabricated of aerial acceleration steel,which maintains a aciculate bend for fast and reliable tip dressing.
Bloom peovides cutters and holders for abounding accepted makes and models of tip dressers,which helps abate plant-wide accessories variation.
2. Spot Welder Tip Dresser Main Features
1) Small, lightweight and easy to operate.
2) Only need compressed air.
3) Low cost,high speed,reliable performance.
4) Standard size or customoized
5) Easy to change cutter and holder
We also make other type cutters and welcome your inquiry: